I’m genki now!

Hey what’s up everyone! I’m all right! Prayers work. My vertigo is gone
and back to missionary work. I got to spend a week at the honbu ( mission home). I
have a lot more respect for my mission president and his wife. They are the best and I’m so grateful to have them in my life. Always
working hard. I’m pretty sure they never sleep!

While at the honbu I helped Wada Shimai make treats for all the
firesides that Wada Kaichou ( president ) taught. I also slept a little bit. At
sports night this week a bunch of us decided to wear our college
T-shirts. Wada Kaichou is the one in the corner. Yeah I’m alright!
Thanks for your prayers.

I got my transfer calls today. I’m staying in my area and I am going to
have two companions. Sasaki Shimai ( Sister) and a ビンちゃん!That means I am
training! The cool thing about Sasaki Shimai is that she is my
grandma. She trained my trainer. Fun times! While I was at the honbu I
went on splits with her. We did some Streeting in the park and saw the
Sakura. Today for 土田姉妹 (Sister) last p-day so we went with some missionaries from
the zone to Yokohama. We also took some P.I.s with us!

Well time to go back to dendo (mission). The last two weeks have been Taihen (challenging),
but all is well now.

Love you!

Sister Hokanson


At sports night.   Go~~~~~~~~~ Cougars!!!
